Email : jit.pat@googlemail.com

Phone : 01189 424545

Teaches in : West Reading

As well as being a dentist with a busy practice in Reading, Jitesh is a keen sportsman. However, he only stumbled upon Yoga because the meditation class he had enrolled in was cancelled at the last moment and the adult education college offered him a Yoga class instead. Jitesh's commitment to Yoga is delivered with affection and humour in all his classes.

“Being a dentist I am well aware of how stress features in most people's lives and how the changes that life throws at all of us from time to time, elevates our stress levels. I was interested in exploring meditation as a means of stress management but found Yoga instead and I'm extremely grateful. Mind, emotions and body all work together during asana and pranayama to bring about a profound change. The awareness encouraged by Yoga is also able to create a distance between self and the incident that is stress-causing, thus giving people an opportunity to review the situation from a different vantage point. Added to this, the physical benefits of remobilising joints and allowing muscles to release rigidity, has enormous and far–reaching health benefits”.

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