Bridge Yoga® Course

    A 3-day Course for Yoga Teachers.

Anxiety and depression are now the most common illnesses afflicting humanity worldwide. In the UK, it is estimated that anxiety/depression affects around 9% of the population. That means there are over 5 million sufferers in the UK alone.

This Course will give Yoga teachers seeking excellence in their practice and their teaching the information and understanding which will enable them to respond sensitively and appropriately to anyone in their classes who is suffering from anxiety/depression.

This three-day Bridge Yoga® Course offers Yoga teachers :

* An understanding of depression, its diagnosis and treatment, and how these impact on movement and Yoga. This is essential for teachers who want to offer their students practices that are appropriate for them.
* The evidence-based ways in which Yoga can be used to help those suffering from depression.
* Traditional and ancient perspectives on the mind and emotions.
* The Course includes asana (postures), pranayama (breathwork) and dhyanam (meditation), and guidance on how these practices can be used in the management of depression.

For more details please contact:

See Also :
  Foundation Course
  Teachers Training Course
  Sage yoga® Course

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